15 януари 2010 г.

Nothing important...

I had to write this...
My life is completely changed and I feel terribly lost.Ok,I know that I want it...but that I can be afraid of it.The biggest obstacle is...I..I feel so lonely at times and maybe this is the only place where I can say what I feel,deep in my soul.
Now I sound like a cry-baby :D:D:D I knooow..but everyone has days like there,right?Especially,stuck at home...sick.I'm in terrible condition and thanks God my brother is here to help me.I can't even stand still for more that 10 minutes..Hurray for the sickness!
I should stop....writing these bullshits..:)Thanks for everyone,read this.I appreciate that...(hugs)

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Эта тема просто бесподобна :) , мне нравится )))

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